Do I Have Dry Eye Syndrome?

Do I Have Dry Eye Syndrome?

Having dry eyes may not seem like much of a health condition. In most cases, dry eyes can be treated with a few occasional medicated eye drops. When the condition becomes chronic, however, thousands of people who deal with it on a daily basis consider it a major problem. Persistent, chronic dry eyes can be a sign of systemic disease that affects various areas of the body. Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjörgen’s Syndrome and ocular rosacea are conditions that are known to have chronic dry eyes as an associated symptom.


Possible Causes of Dry Eye

Chronic dry eye syndrome is a condition in which the glands that produce tears and other fluids in the eye do not produce enough to keep the eye sufficiently lubricated. Lacrimal glands are responsible for producing tears, while the meibomian glands produce oils that keep the eyes hydrated. When the oil is not produced in sufficient quantities, the tears evaporate too fast, leaving the eyes feeling itchy and irritated. This is referred to as “evaporative” dry eye syndrome and is the most common cause of chronic dry eyes.

There are many causes of chronic dry eye. As a person ages, processes within the body slow down and hormonal changes within the body can alter how the body functions. Some examples include menopausal women or people who use antihistamines. Heating and air conditioning systems, environments that are dry, dusty or drafty, windy conditions outside and staring at a computer screen for several hours at a time are common contributors to the irritation of chronic dry eye. The extended use of contact lens and not blinking enough to keep the eyes sufficiently lubricated are also factors.

People who smoke, older men and women who have health conditions that cause hormone fluctuations are at a higher risk of chronic dry eye syndrome in comparison to others.


Dry Eye Treatment Options

Once the doctor discovers the reason for your dry eyes, he/she can suggest an appropriate treatment. In most cases, lubricating eye drops known as artificial tears may be the solution. When chronic dry eye is caused by blocked meibomian glands, warm compresses or lid scrubs are options that may help. An additional treatment option that may be offered is LipiFlow. This is a treatment that is performed in the doctor’s office and is used to unblock the meibomian glands that re-establish the flow of the eye and restore normal function within the eye.

Other possible treatment options include, keeping the entire body properly hydrated, protecting the eyes with sunglasses or safety glasses and taking supplements that offer nutritional support. Supplements that include omega-3 fatty acids are ideal for individuals with chronic dry eye.

Call the professionals at La Jolla LASIK if you would like to schedule an evaluation if you are having symptoms of chronic dry eye. Our doctor can evaluate your eyes, diagnose your condition and find an effective treatment to help control the problem or eliminate it entirely.

Call La Jolla LASIK at 858.551.4100 today and make an appointment to be seen by our knowledgeable ophthalmologist.

Why Is My Eye Twitching?

Why Is My Eye Twitching?

Eyes and eyelids that twitch can be extremely irritating and distracting. Normally, this kind of movement is temporary and is not necessarily indicative of a serious, underlying condition. If the eye continues to twitch for several days or weeks, it might be a good idea to call a doctor to find out what the problem is. If you can locate the cause of the twitching, you will be able to control the symptoms.


Common Reasons Why an Eye Twitches

  • Stress – Stress affects everyone differently. Many people have physical reactions, that can be extremely troublesome. Finding out what is causing your stress and managing it can eliminate any symptoms it may cause, including eye twitches.
  • Exhaustion – Lack of sleep can cause the muscles in or near the eye to twitch involuntarily. Try to get an ample amount of sleep each night to see if resting the eyes and surrounding tissues may relieve the twitching.
  • Visual Strain – Wearing older glasses with an out of date prescription or looking at a computer screen all day long can cause eyes to twitch. When the condition lasts longer than just a few days, you will want to uncover its cause. If you work at a computer several hours a day, one of the best remedies for a twitching eye is to glance away ever 25 to 30 minutes and focus on an object that is across the room. If you are wearing out dated glasses, it is a good idea to have your eyes checked and your prescription brought up to date.
  • Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption – It is believed by many professionals in the field of eye care that consuming alcohol and/or caffeine on a regular basis or in large quantities can cause a variety of problems that affect the muscles and soft tissue. If you feel that the twitching of your eye may be caused by excessive amounts of caffeine and/or alcohol, try reducing the quantities you consume in a day to see if the issues you are having stop.


Still Suffering From a Twitching Eye?

When your eyes twitch for no apparent reason and you have tried unsuccessfully to find a cause, scheduling a visit with our expert ophthalmologist at La Jolla LASIK should be your next step. The doctor can perform an in depth examination and find out what is causing your eye to twitch, hopefully ruling out all serious conditions, such as hemifacial spasms and blepharospasm.

Call 858.551.4100 to schedule your eye examination today. Your eye health is important to us. Let the trained staff of La Jolla LASIK help you discover the cause of your eye twitching and help you to control it so it eventually doesn’t control you.


How to Choose a LASIK Surgeon

If you are trying to find the right LASIK surgeon to perform your procedure, you will want to have the answers to some very important questions. Choosing any surgeon is a big decision. You must carefully weigh your options and have enough information to decide wisely.

Knowing what kind of laser will be used, how the corneal flap will be created and how long the surgeon has been performing the procedure they use will give you an accurate idea as to how much expertise they have in the field. Experience and safety are important concerns. Of course knowing cost what payment options are offered is important as well. While cost plays a role in which procedure and/or which doctor you ultimately choose, it is not necessarily the best idea to go with the most inexpensive option. That being said, the most expensive surgeon is not a guarantee that the best service will be provided either.

You should always research to confirm that your doctor is both a licensed and board certified ophthalmologist. It is important to check the credentials of the surgeons to make sure they board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology. This can easily be confirmed by visiting the following website: In Canada, they should be board certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons.

There is much more to consider in making this choice in addition to assessing cost, experience and efficiency. Scheduling a consultation so that you will be able to see the office and meet the doctors and staff is also important. Usually these consultation exams are offered free of charge. Taking this opportunity to talk to doctors and staff will give you a feel for how they talk to and interact with their patients.

Get referrals from family and friends. Look for online reviews if they are available. Outside sources give you a well-rounded look at the surgeon and office that you may not otherwise get from just your own personal visit and experience.

If you want to learn more about the procedure and what LASIK surgery can do for you, call 858-551-4100. They will schedule a free consultation and go over all of your options.

Laser Corrective Eye Surgery

LASIK, LASEK and PRK are all special eye procedures that are used to help improve vision. Today we will be reviewing the LASIK procedure. It is the most commonly performed of the three and is considered to be one of the most accurate procedures available. The following is an explanation of what will normally occur throughout the entire procedure from start to finish.

When you arrive at the office for your examination, you will have a meeting with your Patient Counselor. They will help you fill out all of your paperwork, confirm the procedure you are going to have performed, go over the service plan options, your payment details and your care once the procedure is over. After meeting with the counselor, you will also meet with your surgeon to ensure all of your questions are answered.

The actual surgery is the second part of the process. This can involve an exam or final tests to ensure that your eyes have remained stable. You will also be offered an additional sedative and extra anesthetic to make sure you are completely comfortable during the procedure.

The first step of the surgery will be the application of antiseptic by the surgeon. A small flap will be created on the outermost layer of the cornea to give the surgeon access to the corneal bed where the laser treatment will be applied. This corneal flap is created with either a microkeratome blade or a femtosecond laser. A femtosecond laser (such as Intralase) is the preferred choice because it creates a more uniform flap and has a lower rate of complications.

After the flap has been created, the surgeon can go about reshaping the corneal bed. Reshaping the cornea allows light to focus more accurately on the retina. When a person is experiencing nearsightedness, the cornea is flattened. If they are farsighted, the cornea must be steepened. When astigmatism is present the cornea or flattened or steepened in varying degrees.

Following the surgery, your vision will be extremely blurry. The doctor will do a thorough, post operative check and any additional instructions you need to follow will be provided or reiterated. The doctor will request that you have someone drive you home after the procedure and that you rest for the remainder of the day. The entire process will be wrapped up once all of your follow up visits have been completed.

You can make an appointment with the professionals at La Jolla LASIK by calling 858-551-4100. At your appointment, you will be seen by one of our highly qualified and trained staff members.

What to Expect at A Laser Surgery Consultation

At La Jolla LASIK surgery in San Diego, our surgeons are here to explain just what LASIK surgery is and how it can help you see more clearly.

What Is LASIK Surgery?

Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, better known as LASIK, is a type of eye surgery performed with a laser. The surgeon uses lasers to correct refractive errors found in the eye. When an abnormally shaped cornea limits the eye’s ability to focus light, a person can find it difficult to see objects that are at a distance or, in some cases, close up.

Lasers are used to correct the shape of the cornea. This delicate reshaping procedure corrects refractive errors and helps restore accurate vision.

What Will Happen During the Procedure

Wavefront imaging technology is used to create a highly detailed and elaborate map of the refractive errors in a person’s eye. The eye surgeon creates the map just prior to the surgery to get the most accurate image possible. With this tool, even the smallest errors can be located. These “higher-order aberrations as well as other information are used to calibrate the laser used to perform the surgery.

Once the eye is sufficiently anesthetized, a small flap in the cornea is created with an excimer laser. The flap is laid back so that the tissue underneath is exposed. Small, microscopic particles are removed with the laser and the cornea is slowly returned to a more normal shape. Once the correct shape is obtained, the flap is replaced. No sutures are needed due to the fact that the flap will bond with the tissue as soon as it is put back into place.

Within 1 to 2 days, the patient will begin to notice a definitive change in their vision. In most cases, they will no longer need to wear their corrective or contact lenses to achieve 20/20 vision. With LASIK surgery, a person’s vision is normally much better than the average 20/20.

LASIK Surgery Can Be Used to Treat Several Vision Conditions

LASIK surgery can be used to correct several conditions that affect the eye. A few of them are:

  • Astigmatism (blurred vision that is caused by an irregular steepening of the cornea)
  • Hyperopia (farsightedness)
  • Myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Presbyopia (inability to focus on objects or images that are close to the face, age-related)

In cases where presbyopia is present, the surgeon may use a strategy known as “monovision” to help the patient see at several different distances. Monovision is the practice of correcting one for long distance vision and the other for shorter distances or close up.

Scheduling a free consultation will allow you to speak directly to an eye surgery San Diego specialist. Get LASIK surgery in San Diego by calling La Jolla LASIK today at 858.551.4100.

How soon can I exercise after LASIK?

Contrary to popular belief, the recovery time for LASIK surgery is actually very short. Most patients find themselves up and active shortly after their surgery. If you’re considering the procedure but are concerned about exercising after LASIK since you play a sport or follow a strict exercise routine, don’t worry. The team at La Jolla LASIK has put together a list of recovery times for each sport below:

slamdunk_outlineBasketball: For you basketball players out there, the average recovery time is about a week. So sit back, relax, and enjoy a week off the court. Just enough time for you to refuel before getting back in the game.

Running: Runners have it great, your recovery time is only about three days. In three short days you’ll be back at it, with better sight nonetheless.

Weight lifting: Weight lifting also has a very short recovery, only about two to three days. Make sure  to make the most out of your recovery by relaxing and eating a healthy diet, and you’ll be back in the gym in no time.

hockeyHockey: You can expect to be back on the ice in about six to seven days. In a rough contact sport like hockey, it’s crucial that you are fully recovered before jumping into the rink again.

Golf: Golf is a pretty short recovery as well. In two or three days you’ll be back on the course with better sight to help with your drive shots.

Water sports: Any water sports like surfing, kayaking, and boating require about a one week recovery time.

Football-PlayerFootball: You’ll be back blocking passes and throwing touchdowns anywhere between six and seven days. Take this time to memorize plays, consider it an opportunity for you to get a leg-up on your rivals.

Baseball: You’ll be sitting in the dugout for about seven days. But after that, you’re vision will help you hit more home runs and throw more precisely.

Horseback riding: Horseback riders have about a three day recovery. This means you can get LASIK in-between horse shows, and still have plenty of time for practice.

saoccerSoccer: Soccer requires a seven day recovery time following LASIK. Although this may seem like a long time off the field, just think of how much your game will improve once you’re fully recovered!

Motorcycling: Wait about a week before getting back on the bike.

Biking: Bikers should expect to take about two to three days off from riding.

snowboarderSnow sports: All you snowboarders, skiers, and snowmobilers should plan to take one week off before getting back on the slopes.

As you can see the LASIK recovery time is fairly short. In about one week you can engage in all full-contact sports, and within two to three days all non-contact. If for some reason your sport wasn’t posted, or you have questions regarding LASIK, comment below
and we will be happy to answer. If you’re
curious about LASIK and interested in the
surgery, schedule a free consultation today.
Call Dr. Nahl and the La Jolla LASIK team
at (858)-551-4100 or let us know your thoughts!


Is LASIK Affordable?

Before we begin discussing the affordibility of LASIK, answer these two questions:

1. How old are you?

lasik2. How much do you spend on glasses annually?

Now, based on these two questions, estimate the cost you will spend on glasses yearly for the rest of your life. Chances are, this cost is much steeper than the price of a one-time LASIK.

When considering LASIK surgery San Diego cost, most people don’t think about the amount of money they annually spend on glasses and contacts. Not only will you most likely save money in your lifetime after LASIK, but you won’t have to worry about wearing your annoying contacts or glasses.

However, it is very important to be careful when choosing a San Diego LASIK surgeon. Choosing a doctor based solely on inexpensive price is never a good idea. These are your eyes, it is very important that you take the time to research your doctor. Make sure your doctor attended a respectable university, has lots of experience, and most importantly has a great success rate. If you have to travel for LASIK, do so. Sometimes the best LASIK San Diego surgeons aren’t in your area – an extra plane ticket or long drive to insure a flawless surgery is definitely worth it. Be aware of the risks, make sure your doctor isn’t rushing into things. Also educate yourself on the equipment. Take the time to make sure your potential doctor has the best equipment available.

drnahl_at_microscope-200x300Dr. Nahl of La Jolla LASIK has an unmatched success rate, as well as degrees from Harvard, University of Southern California, and University of Chicago. Dr. Nahl uses the best laser in the business, and has fifteen plus years of experience. She truly is one of the best LASIK surgeons in the world. If you are considering LASIK, consider Dr. Nahl and the La Jolla LASIK team. Schedule your free consultation today by calling us at (858) 551-4100 or visit us online at La Jolla LASIK offers the best cost of LASIK San Diego offers.

La Jolla LASIK Holiday Giveaway / Contest

The First Annual La Jolla LASIK Holiday Giveaway

Howdy LASIK fans! It is the giving time of year and La Jolla LASIK is hooking you up. We are having our first ever holiday giveaway. All you have to do is like us on Facebook for a chance to win $20 to Starbucks Coffee. One lucky fan will be awarded the Starbucks gift card on Christmas Eve. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today here:

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Five Tips for Healthy Eyes

Vision is an extremely important element of day-to-day life. Unfortunately, the average American does not take the appropriate steps in maintaining their eye health, but by following these five healthy eye tips you can be on your way to having better eyesight.

1. Quit smoking.

Smoking raises the chances of developing many eye-related issues. In fact, it actually doubles your chances of developing cataracts, which is one of the most common eye-related medical conditions. Your vision can be severely harmed by smoking, so kick the habit.


2. Eat healthy.

People often don’t realize that eating right will help to maintain healthy eyes. Foods like leafy greens, berries, carrots, and fatty fishes such as salmon are all great choices. Eat well, and your eyesight will improve, among other things.


3. Get your eyes checked regularly.

It is recommended that you have your eyes checked every two years. However if you have any sort of pain or issues with your vision it is imperative that you see an eye doctor immediately. Getting your eyes checked regularly will ensure your vision is the best it can be.


4. Wear UV sunglasses when outside.

Not wearing UV sunglasses will harm the long-term health of your eyes. Although the sun is very far away, it can still tremendously damage eyesight. Find some fashionable UV sunglasses to protect your eyes when you’re outside, its a win-win situation!


5. Remember that eyesight is hereditary.

Research your families vision background and find out what is common in your family. If conditions such as cataracts or dry eyes occur often in your family, talk to your doctor. This will help you take the appropriate steps to avoid these issues from impacting your vision.


If you value your vision these steps are very important. Talk to your eye doctor about other simple and easy healthy eye tips that will help you maintain great eyesight. For those struggling with their eyesight, there are many viable options that help. Some include glasses, contacts, certain medications, or LASIK eye correction surgery. Talk with your doctor and decide which choice is best for you.

Why Athletes Everywhere Should Turn to LASIK

It’s 3-3 in the championship baseball game and you’re up to bat with two outs in the final inning. There is a man on third, and the team is depending on you to bring him home. You step up to the plate and your contact lenses begin irritating you, moving around, and causing blurred vision. If you can hardly see the pitcher how are you supposed to see the ball come in over the plate? The unfortunate answer is you won’t, and your season will end in bitter defeat. This is the reason athletes everywhere are turning to LASIK surgery. Why continue to struggle with contacts or sport glasses when a simple surgery can help you knock that ball out of the park and win that championship game. Here are three reasons why LASIK surgery is a great option for athletes who want to perform at their highest level.

#1. Contacts and Glasses are a PAIN

The last thing you want to be dealing with when you’re in the game is obstructive glasses or uncomfortable contacts. Grass, dirt, and any other materials can easily be kicked up and stick to your contacts, which can greatly affect your performance. Playing sports after LASIK, you’ll spend less time fidgeting with your eyes, making it easier for you to concentrate on the game.

#2. Recovery

There is a myth that LASIK surgery has a  long recovery time that can sideline an athlete for months. Fortunately, this is a common misconception. The typical LASIK surgery recovery time is three days or less, so you can get back in action in no time.

#3. Good eyesight is imperative for all types of athletes

One reason so many athletes are turning to LASIK is because it can drastically improve their performance. Playing a sport is visually demanding, so imagine what 20/20 or 20/15 vision could help you improve.

Vision is probably the most important component in sports. Athletes everywhere are turning to Dr. Nahl and La Jolla LASIK to improve their eyesight and strengthen their performance. Ranging from Sea World performers to Everest climbers, Dr. Nahl has worked with all types of athletes. Whether you play in the adult leagues on Sunday nights, or for the Los Angeles Lakers, LASIK is something you should seriously consider. So kick the contacts, throw out the glasses, and get your vision repaired at our LASIK Eye San Diego based office.

Check out some notable professional athletes below who have decided to get the LASIK surgery:




Zach Johnson (PGA): “I had Lasik surgery a couple years ago, and my eyes are significantly better” explains the 2007 Masters Champion.










Wizards v/s Heat 03/30/11

LeBron James (NBA): The greatest player in the NBA right now and possibly the best athlete in the world, LeBron James underwent LASIK in 2007. Prior to his surgery he said he couldn’t always make out the numbers on shot clocks and arena scoreboards. Following LASIK, his vision improved from 20-40 to 20-15.


Tiki Barber (NFL): “I had the procedure at a time when many people were still scared about it,” comments Barber. “Now, a lot of guys I play ball with either have had LASIK, or are strongly considering it. I think people, in general, feel more confident about LASIK now more than ever. It’s been four years since my surgery and I’ve had no complications and remain thrilled with my vision.”


Pj Tucker (NBA): Tucker, a 6’6” small forward for the Phoenix Suns decided to get LASIK after being poked in the eye during training camp, following his surgery he improved as a much better shooter.


Dwyane Wade (NBA): Dwyane Wade is a nine time NBA all star and a three time NBA champion. Dwyane Wade underwent LASIK in 2011 with ABC and Slam Magazine among the popular media sources covering it. He announced via Twitter, “Just made my first move of the summer to get better next year… i got lasik on my eyes… ”


Vijay Singh (PGA): Professional golfer Vijay Singh is one of the many notable PGA players to undergo LASIK. Vijay was ranked number one in the Official World Golf rating between 2004 and 2005, and boasts three major championship wins.